Dedi is a program staff of INDEKS - Institut Demokrasi dan Kesejahteraan Sosial, an advocacy think tank for mainstreaming civil liberties, economic freedom, and inclusive diversity in Indonesian democracy and development.
He specializes in philosophy, socio-religious discourse, and diversity issues in urban areas. He plays an active role as a co-trainer and facilitator in INDEKS' economic freedom and civil liberties trainings, where he empowers participants to better understand and advocate for essential freedoms. He once served as the project leader for a series of nine classes on John Locke's philosophical ideas.
In 2023, Dedi represented Indonesia in the Japan East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths (JENESYS) program in Japan, aimed at fostering peace between nations. He is also the founder of, a digital literacy movement, through which he inspires public involvement in education and social development.
Research assistant in the Kajian Indeks Kebebasan Ekonomi Indonesia 2024: Pendekatan Berbasis Provinsi (Study on Indonesia's Index of Economic Freedom 2024: A Province-Based Approach), available in Indonesian (INDEKS, 2024).
International Conference on Ushuluddin Faculty (ICON-UF), with article title: “Religion and Spirituality: A Phenomenological Approach” Jakarta, Indonesia.
5th Interconnection of Islam and Science Integration Conference at Faculty of Science and Technology, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
International Symposium on Chinese Studies in Southeast Asia at Xiamen University of China.
Author of the book Agama & Covid-19: Makna dan Peran Agama dalam Masyarakat Urban (Jakarta: Onepeace Media, 2024).
Author of "Kondisi Kebebasan Ekonomi Bali dan Relasinya dengan HAM", published by
Author of "Meneropong Kebebasan Ekonomi Perspektif HAM di Lampung", published by
Author of "Kebebasan Sipil dan Isu Lingkungan di Bangka Belitung", published by
Author of "Tentang Paham Kemajemukan di Antara Ekstremisme Beragama", published by
Author of "Gen Z dan Ancaman Digital yang Menggila", published by
Media Mention
"Delegasi Muda Universitas Islam Negeri Berpartisipasi dalam Program JENESYS", published by