With over a decade of experience in education and training, Mathelda specializes in program planning, facilitation, and training management. As the Executive Director of INDEKS, she leads impactful initiatives and co-trains programs focused on economic freedom, civil liberties, and inclusive diversity. Additionally, she contributes to internal publications and research as a proofreader and research assistant. Beyond her leadership role at INDEKS, Mathelda serves as an associate trainer in leadership, diversity management and public speaking for INDEKS’ partner organizations.
Her expertise also extends to digital literacy, where she serves as a national facilitator for the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. Guided by her belief in the transformative power of education and leadership, as well as the values of freedom and inclusivity, Mathelda is committed to fostering capacity-building programs that inspire meaningful change and personal growth.
Researcher in the Kajian Indeks Kebebasan Ekonomi Indonesia 2024: Pendekatan Berbasis Provinsi (Study on Indonesia's Index of Economic Freedom 2024: A Province-Based Approach), available in Indonesian (INDEKS, 2024).
Research assistant in Indonesia’s Religious Diversity Management in Education (Frans Seda Foundation, 2016).
Proofreeader of the book Kebebasan Ekonomi dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Economic Freedom and Human Rights), available in Indonesian (FNF Indonesia and INDEKS, 2024).
Proofreeader of the book Pancasila, Kebebasan & Keadilan Sosial (Pancasila, Liberty, and Social Justice), (FNF Indonesia and INDEKS, 2021).
Proofreeader of the book Kebebasan Sipil Menurut Anak Muda Indonesia (Civil Liberties According to Indonesian Youth), (FNF Indonesia and INDEKS, 2021).
Author of “HAM: RUU Kesejahteraan Ibu dan Anak dalam Perspektif Kesejahteraan dan Kebebasan” published by
Author of “Demokrasi: Belajar Kebebasan Sipil dan Advokasinya bersama para Pakar” published by
Trainer and Co-Trainer
Co-trainer at Pelatihan Advokasi Keberagaman, Kesetaraan dan Inklusi dalam Organisasi (Training on Advocacy for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion in Organizations),
Co-trainer at Pelatihan Dasar Kebebasan Ekonomi dan HAM (Basic Training on Economic Freedom and Human Rights),
Co-trainer at Pelatihan Advokasi Kebebasan Sipil dan HAM (Training on Advocacy for Civil Liberties and Human Rights),
Trainer at College Day Sekolah Anak Indonesia
Media Mention
On Inclusive Diversity
"Pengaruh Kesetaraan, Keberagaman dan Inklusi dalam Organisasi dan Bisnis", published by
"Politik Identitas, Tantangan Keberagaman di Ruang Publik", published by
"Penyandang Disabilitas Mental bolehkah Bekerja?" Published by
On Digital Literacy
"Digital Culture: Mengatasi Kesenjangan Generasi Digital Native dan Digital Immigrant", published by
"Digital Ethic: Tingkatkan Budaya Membaca dan Berpikir Kritis", published by
"Digital Safety: Cegah Provokasi di Dunia Digital dengan Periksa Ulang Berita Hoaks yang Didapat", published by
"Digital Skill: Perempuan Harus Bijak dalam Bermedia Digital", published by